YUSRA: Novel Blockchain based platform with next generation payment system - ICO MATCH
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YUSRA: Novel Blockchain based platform with next generation payment system


Expanding digital transformation, higher Internet transaction rates, constant collection of large data, implementation of mathematics and cryptographic technology in the modern age: these are the reasons that generate a need for Blockchain-based payment structures due to its innovative features: decentralization, transparency, independence, nonlinearity, and privacy security. These features allow Blockchain become a very secure data recording platform that can improve existing payment systems and introduce fundamental improvements to many sectors including: accounting, electronic intellectual property rights, insurance, property development, universal health care, operations management, media, banking, and much more. After its inception, Cryptocurrency has transformed the payment landscape like we never witnessed before. Using bitcoin makes foreign transfers quicker, cheaper and simpler.

Today, encrypted ways of money speak of a true transition of the buying and distribution of products and of course, of added benefits. You will get products from excluded countries with lower prices with only a few taps and lower costs. Moreover the great news is that without some prior government. It is not surprising at the moment as we look at everything that cryptos do since it is becoming a serious difference for some organisations, especially those working on the foreign market, thanks to the decentralization of the digital currency. The advancement of finance, as we are most certainly conscious, would shift a great deal. And the progress in all markets is always swift, it is recommended, that adventures in cryptocurrency, seemingly in diverse systems, would be the potential.


With this pattern, YUSRA (https://yusra.global/en/), the first one of the strongest decentralized network of its type, is an integrated blockchain platform. The YUSRA Global crypto-currency group is a community of brilliant and excellent concepts, applications and innovations in distributed ledger technology, bundled to build a truly digital payment tool for daily use. YUSRA GLOBAL seeks to allow full use of the coming years and to address the major challenges before we hit the destination. YUSRA GLOBAL's plan is to develop the most worldwide, skilled and stable valuable asset for consumers.

YUSRA electronic currency is built on a YUSRA BLOCKCHAIN vertically integrated by Waves and interacts constantly with the unique YUSRA PoS technology. The YUSRA GLOBAL token is an example of the evident plethora of greatest suggestions, strategies and progress in the field of blockchain development, brought together and created to establish a true decentralized increment payment system for normal usage that is punchy and easy to use in a closed ecological environment even though in accordance to everyday daily life.

Knowledge is only limited to one person's mind, concerns typically echo the entire world touching the minds of millions of citizens. With the chances of this concept not being share, YUSRA may be the preceding giant item on the digital financial markets at that stage in the nature in which the financial life of the universe shifts.

YUSRA GLOBAL is an extraordinarily inspiring cryptocurrency worth getting, without even a reservation, in the modern century, irrespective whether that is a new coin, already thoroughly overcome by its fans around the world. It would be a hit. In this sense, YUSRA Global's spectacular success is a combination of several things that function together. Without unique delivery of software engineer’s community all is related; there will be no sound financial framework and the network could not be expanded and built without a fitted display methodology. Both advanced and highlighted successes could not expect to equate them with the group's individual features. It is individuals who render Yusra what it is now and not just a collection of unique IT inventions! Unlike much of its crypto industry competitors, YUSRA is definitely not a fraud with a multi-page White Paper and clear promises that iconic developments will come.


Yusra Global's platform includes a number of decentralized components, rendering the platform special and broad:

1.    YUSRA MARKETPLACE: It is an open, decentralized phase for exchanges, such as an online shopping center, whereby sellers and consumers have the freedom to base their commodity (computer, hardware, government, land etc.). This is a marketplace-like open online trade site. Guests just have to connect with this website for whatever you want to purchase and sell.

2.     YUSRA PAY: Yusra Pay is an installment payment concept that enables you to lawfully pay the YUSRA digital currency on flexible communication, television and internet services. In the management of consumers, managers, vendors throughout Russia and various nations are decided.

3.      YUSRA VOTE: This voting mechanism has been developed to test the efficiency of the Yusra network and recommend directions for development workers to optimize the activity of the framework. Unlike other sites, this renders Yusra user-oriented.

4.     YUSRA PORTFOLIO: It's a field of study. This helps the site users not just to have Yusra coin but also other properties in their hands.

5.      YUSRA WALLET: This is a seldom expected wallet to transfer the digital currency YUSRA. The wallet has an extra unique context to offer customers tokens for confidence from the system and also to give customers admission to the utility of the management of P2P Exchange and YUSRA PAY. The group will soon deploy a range of administrations that are also critical to the YUSRA global ecosystem.

6.       P2P EXCHANGE: It is an online exchanger that is easy to buy and sell YUSRA digital money between customers on a P2P basis on the local bitcoin market.


One of Blockchain's visible applications is the encrypted cash for Bitcoin moving currency. In the waves, after Bitcoin, several encrypted types of money were created using Blockchain engineering. Wave is a distributed, open-source Blockchain stage which enables people to spread digital currencies and create their favorite software. In addition, the Yusra encrypted money initiative is focused on the corporation of Wave to create its own payment system.


The YUSRA token has been created with the wave blockchain. The token functions as a platform mechanism for apps. The YUSRA token will be used to compensate for utilities that include upgrade of TV services, charge for mobile networks as well as other platform services.

The estimated YUSRA supply is USD 40,000,000. The market value for YUSRA as of March 2020 would rise to $82,000,000 (9255 BTC). The framework would improve this benefit.


The platform provides solely the tools necessary to alleviate conventional institutions' latest crisis, demonstrates a rapid analysis of the YUSRA ecosystem. The need to eradicate the overdue service from the middle men, excess charges on banking systems and internet transfers have been eliminated. I would suggest the YUSRA network as a network, particularly in the financial payments sector because of its excellent services.

Please visit YUSRA for more details:

Website: https://yusra.global/en/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/YusraGlobal

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Yusra_Global

Telegram: https://t.me/yusra_eng

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/YusraGlobal

Vk: https://vk.com/yusra.global.blockchain 

This article is written by thesmallgod



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