Bluenote set to takle Environmental Emission using Blockchain Technology - ICO MATCH
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Bluenote set to takle Environmental Emission using Blockchain Technology

Environmental emission is one of the major challenges facing the world today due to their role in greenhouse effect. Research has shown that majority of heat emission are coming from the building and since United Nation have made it clear that two third of the world population shall be living in the cities by year 2050, it become apparent to study the way emission to reduce gas emission coming from this building. In order to reduce emission from building, there is need to measure amount of this emission coming from the building but the challenge is that up till date, there is little or no data information about how much heat is generated from building. Adequate data about this emission can be of great economical interest to the government and private real estate developers. Bluenote is a #blockchain based project intending to develop an ecosystem through which standard energy consumption data are generated from the building and release on a distributed blockchain protocol. The protocol termed ‘Bluenote protocol’ will be an open access which enable sharing of data and other related services in such a way that efficient building strategy is being developed. Bluenote protocol will be developed into software which can be with other applications that use energy technology installed in building. However, any building that installed this Bluenote protocol will be rewarded with a token called BNOW. Anyone interested in purchase energy efficiency analytics on the Bluenote protocol can also do so by buying BNOW token.

Bluenote Protocol Development
The Bluenote protocol, which is the key component for recording, calculation, exchanging and verification of energy efficiency in building will be developed using five principles. Firstly, the protocol will be design so that any project within the ecosystem is allowed to upload data and also have access to other #Bluenote protocol. This is termed Open Access. Secondly, bluenote will combine the decentralized nature of the blockchain and transparency. The energy data will be traded among network of nodes which are decentralized without any single centralized server. Also all the data which is being shared in the bluenote protocol will be accessible to be used by connected application. Thirdly, data transfer and storage are confidential and they can be identified by unique key that is only be known by the owner and the one the owner intend to share it. Lastly, bluenote make it possible for individual to be rewarded with BNOW token when they upload useful energy data on the bluenote protocol thereby creating a marketplace for sharing of energy data.

Token Sales
Bluenote is offering public token sales to investors that will be the early adoptor of the bluenote protocol. Currently bluenote token sale is live in a popular exchange Dobitrade. During the sales 6.25 billion BNOW token will be offer for sales. The public phase will be in five phases with varying amount of discount bonus. In order to invest in bluenote, investors will complete KYC verification. For more details about the Bluenote, you can visit the website at or download the whitepaper from the link available below.
#blockchain #Bluenote #climatechange #crowdfunding #energyefficiency

ETH: 0x8ea65305Ce97e721c45beEDfB12BC620d69eE153

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