Mossland is bringing reality to virtual World - ICO MATCH
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Mossland is bringing reality to virtual World

Blockchain technology has been greatly adopted by so many projects in recent time. This is as a result of transparency and fairness in managing transaction and it is also cost effective (low transaction fee). Altcoin like ethereum which has feature that allow smart contract (popularly called token) to be created on its blockchain provided additional benefit for project startup to offer token in exchange for cryptocurrency which is used in funding the development of the project. Mossland is one of the recent project start-up that has adopted the blockchain technology. Mossland is a mobile game project which intends to bring real properties around the world to a virtual game world which will give other users ability to trade such properties virtually on game platform. Mossland is relying on good performance in managing transaction and reduced transaction fee of blockchain technology to offer a decentralized application. Mossland token will automatically become an asset which will be readily available on trading platform which will make the project more viable and available for other enthusiasts, hobbyist and application developers.

My view on mossland project

Creating a mobile game project by adapting augmented reality (AR) is interesting. AR makes the point of contact between real and virtual reality which give a better experience. In this realm we may even see mythical creature. Just imagine a mythical Unicorn visiting a nearby stream to drink water. This might look absurd but it is not so in the realm of augmented reality (AR). All this make mossland objectives to be realizable and not buzzy. I strongly believe mossland will be successful. It might interest you that mossland team is made up of group of developers who are expert in various programming languages. Mr Woo Ram Son who is the chief executive officer and co-founder spoke exhaustively on the AR technology mossland intends to use on INVEN and it seems a lot of enthusiast are already show great interest in the project because the PreICO of mossland was sold out just 38 minutes after the sales started. This shows the level at which investors believe in the project even though some investors in countries like USA and china does not participate do to banning of the cryptocurrency in these country. Many of the investors that participated during the preICO are majorly from korea followed by Russia and some other countries from Europe. Mossland public sales will start again on 21st march 2018 where mosscoin (MOC) will the offer for sales for investors. Minimum purchase is 0.1ETH and bonus offer ranges from 15-2.5% depending on the week you buy the token. for detail about token sales visit

According to the mossland roadmap, once the token sales is completed, Mossland will proceed with the fund generated to develop the alpha version followed by beta testing of the application before launching in some countries for testing and enhancement of the gamplay which will make them resolve and issue related to development. For further reading about mossland project, kindly visit the website here and also the whitepaper

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