SP8DE: The Future of Safe and Unbiased Online Gambling - ICO MATCH
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SP8DE: The Future of Safe and Unbiased Online Gambling

The global market for online gambling is increasing annually. According to statista, the online gaming market which had a volume of 37.91 billion U.S. dollars in 2015 is projected to increase to 59.79 billion U.S. dollars by 2020. Online gaming, or gambling, is the staking of something of important value, mostly money, on the result of an event or game on the internet. Online gaming comprises such activities as poker, casinos (through which people can play local casino games, like roulette or blackjack through internet), sports betting, bingo and lotteries. Out of all these games, casino games and sports betting dominate the market and have the largest share of the market. The existence of cryptocurrencies most importantly bitcoin have made a lot of gamblers shifted from a traditional gambling to a completely decentralized blockchain based gambling platform. Why users suppose to enjoy the major advantages of blockchain based online gambling platform which include low transaction fee and unbiased distribution of randomness, early blockchain based casino are promoting anonymities and are still charging relatively higher transaction fee. Also there is unfairness in selecting randomness. All these have made early blockchain base casino lack being called a decentralized system. Sp8de is a blockchain based platform which will offer distributed gambling software. The sp8de is made up of group of teams that are Phd holders in programming and software development. This shows that Sp8de is well equipped with professionals who have academic understanding about developing gambling algorithm. Generally any existing gambling platform based on blockchain technology are majorly intend to solve three major problem which include High transaction fee, Transaction settlement time and problem resulting from generation of public randomness. However most of the blockchain gambling site has not been able to solve this problem and this is the reason why Sp8de will be developing a distributed gambling application which will solve these three major problems. Sp8de will be developed on Cardano blockchain which will take care of the transaction settlement time and reduce transaction fee to nearly zero. In order to bring fairness to random number generation by Sp8de ecosystem, ouroboros which is the POS protocol in cardano blockchain will be used. Ouroboros will solve this by blending two important protocols which include the coin tossing application of commitment and a verifiable secret sharing. With all these being put in place, Sp8de will lead the new generation of blockchain based platform that has fully implemented the full benefit of blockchain based technology. Sp8de token sales is currently live where over 3.66 Trillion tokens which amount for 41.25% of entire token distributed will be sold to investors. However all investors participated in the token sales will automatically qualified to receive token during the jackpot. The amount allocated for the jackpot is equivalent to the 38.875% of total token distributed. The token sales will be in five phases with pre-sale inclusive while the jackpot will be hold in four phases. For more detail about Sp8de kindly visit the official website here. For other important pages kindly visit





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