Reasons Why Buzzshow should interest all video content creators - ICO MATCH
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Reasons Why Buzzshow should interest all video content creators

An increased usage of internet globally has contributed to the rate at which media contents like pictures and Videos are being uploaded to social media. While some people share these contents freely to seek attention (the act of beauty, meme etc.) and to express their feelings, some (content creators) upload videos to the internet to earn a reward (e.g youtube pay per view, pay per download etc.). Social media platform like Youtube, Vmeo etc operate a centralized system which makes content creators not to get enough rewards since the owe system is being controlled by a group of individual. While some social media sharing platforms have bad reward sharing formula, some does not even have any formula for sharing revenue despite earning billions of dollars every year from advert revenue. Also, many content developers wait endlessly to get their reward being processed. This is due to poor management that takes decisions before rewards are being paid.

Buzzshow is giving an entirely new decentralized method in solving the problem facing by content creator which will allow them to have power back at their hands. This will give not only the content creator but also curators and other social media activists opportunity to earn rewards anytime they upload or share videos on the buzzshow platform. The time for waiting too long for a reward to be paid is over. Users will have full control over reward being earn. Some of the key benefits users will enjoy are as follow:

(1) No limitation on Content being created on Buzzshow: unlike the centralized social media platform where content being created will be limited to view by preventing some people from geographical area from viewing the content, Buzzshow will prevent corporation from limiting content as long as the video does not contain hate speeches and does not infringe the right of others. The platform will allow ideas to be shared equally

(2) Anonymity to users: Buzzshow will allow users who intend to hide their identities the opportunity to do so if its just for them to live a normal life.

(3) The users can create channels and upload videos for free. Content creation is completely free. No paid option. Every user will start at the same price. This will arguably disallow private organization from paying for special treatment on the buzzshow platform.

(4) Ability to sell access to some high-quality videos by users: content developers can sell access to some content on buzzshow to earn a reward (Goldies). Content viewers can use goldies earn from sharing some other content to watch the premium videos from content developers

Buzzshow will also give advertiser to advertise by buying goldies which will be used in placing ads. Everyone will earn Goldies from content creators to video viewers which will make buzzshow the number one reward placed social media platform.

Token sales detail

Goldies is the official token of the buzzshow. It is a Smart contract token based on ethereum blockchain. Buzzshow Initial coin offering will sell token to investors making them also one of the early adopters of buzzshow. Pre-sales is live kindly visit: for more details about token sales

For more information about buzzshow visit: Website Telegram Group, facebook, Twitter, Youtube Whitepaper and Bounty threads
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